One Planet One Consciousness: A Call to Action
matthew p. holbert
Lets be the divine creators that we were born to be! Our planet is in peril, and that is plain to see. Without our action, the entire experiment was for nothing. IF we come together as a species, and organize, with our intention focused on specific matters: education, economy, and assembly, we have the potential to alter those forms, and manifest the better world our hearts know is possible.
The need to work together as a planet, rather than as separate nations, and as a family, rather than as selfish individuals may seem simple, but it does not seem easy. Nonethelesss, we live in a boundless universe; the only boundaries that seem to exist are the ones which our minds have invented. To dispel this delusional thinking, and inherit the paradise that this planet promises with every degree of its rotation, a new paradigm from “me” to “we” must be at the foundation of our consciousness—individually and collectively aware of the underlying unity between self and not-self. Then and only then will our forms of education, economy, and assembly reflect reality, enhancing our lives instead of limiting them.
Nothing is preventing us from making the world better, except our own belief systems, fears, and ego. The three of these manifestations of mind are the source of greed, the source of monopoly, and the source of planetary disease. For this reason, it is very important that we recognize what “I”is, down to its most fundamental basis. It was Quantum physicist Max Planck who said “I regard consciousness as fundamental. I regard matter as derivative from consciousness. We cannot get behind consciousness."
Ponder for a moment what such a statement implies. We have but a limited perception of reality, and likely a limited perception of consciousness through our brain. The limits of the brain thus limit our ability to perceive what we have been unable to touch for thousands of years, the spirit of reality's evolution. To do so takes intuition, tempered with intellect: spirituality with science; it takes man working hand in hand with woman; it takes all races seeing the single face of god in everyone for a world democracy to form, and for world war to end. And while conflicts between regions and cultures may persist, resolving them with compromise and diplomacy rather than military force makes way more sense doesn't it. So lets banish the powers that be to the past, and create a better world together!
Only by recognizing that this planet is our home, and that the life on it is our family may we possess the needed trust to create a paradise on earth: a world without debt, taxes, banks, and poverty. Such a world is not only possible, it is more and more probable with the growing awakening of humankind that is taking place every moment that the planet rotates on its axis. The fact that this evolution of consciousness is occurring is not enough, however, to make the needed change. The world needs a leader, and that leader may be me, but it may also be you. The choice is yours. Are you going to wait until an outside force changes your life, or are you going to consciously design your life, making the change instead of waiting around for some miracle to happen?
Now, there are many attempts to convey a vision of the world as it should be, or as it could be, as a way for people to better imagine their more perfect world. This, however, is not enough. The truth is that things are terrible for a lot of people, and that things are great, even lavish for a comparatively few. But those two contrasting realities are not actually in conflict, just as the sense of discontent comes before breaking down or breaking through—making changes to improve—,the vast inequality gap is the space that we need to create a new paradigm that synthesizes capitalism and communism: the best of the rich and poor life with as few of the defects as possible.
The rich, despite their luxury, are psychologically discontent, while the poor are capable of having moments of joy, despite their great adversity. To find a middle way between these radically different conditions, we must not content ourselves with mere class-ism. We have to go to something we have never considered before. The ideas that I am going to propose may seem radical, or unfamiliar, but rather than disregarding these ideas offhandedly, consider first that it was Einstein who said “We can not solve our problems with the same level of thinking that created them.”
Ponder for a moment, where most if not all of the global actions have come from to solve global problems. Have the people, acting from their hearts at the grass roots level been inspired to help the third world, or have representatives of financial and governmental institutions been delegated that responsibility? And what has been the role of those financial institutions (e.g. the IMF, World Bank, and WTO), as liberators or as debt masters? The proof is everywhere that there is a third world war, that of waging a war of attrition upon the third world, merely to benefit the few shareholders of that immensely wealthy class, to anyone with a broad perspective of history this is no surprise.
To many, money is worth more than gold, yet what is more significant than money? Everything that money can buy? But what can't money buy? Time and family could be wasted in pursuit of fancy things for one's selfish titillation while the world is being plundered by trade at the hands of a few elite financial gamblers. The world is their crap shoot, their game of speculation; and while the screams of the many can be heard from afar, those elite are in their private boardrooms screaming jackpot! This, and not the glory days of yesterday's capitalism, is what we are forsaking when we demand the end of modern capitalism, not a middle class, and not the increased prosperity of a majority of people, and especially not living our lives to the fullest and doing what we want to do. However, the end of capitalism must just as surely bring the end of communism as capitalism because the two create one another, just as the end of government will bring about the end of global anarchy and chaos.
In the void that this article creates, at least in our imagination, we can envision a world without the force of government, where people have organized in such a way that a more perfect union has taken place without force, and without arbitrary authority.
If we were to simply examine our reality in a clear and objective way, we would see that the cause of our collective dysfunction and planetary disease is a lack of communication. That the vital information that would liberate us all is being withheld, or has yet to be disclosed for one reason or another. Similarly, if we were to simply examine our culture, from a persons birth to death, we would see that the cause of our problems of ignorance, gullibility, and wacky beliefs is a lack of education and stimulation. For us to dissolve the intrinsic problem of ego, fear, and belief, we must reorder our society from the ground up, and top down.
From birth to death, a persons interaction with reality determines his or her perspectives, which in turn effects their choices, actions, and behaviors. For this reason, it is with great gravity that we touch upon the topic of creating a new order for ourselves, one which takes the power out of the hands of the few, and gives it, not to the many, but to everyone. For the earth belongs to everyone.
A perfect culture can be determined by those wise enough, and humble enough to recognize that the perfect example of a perfect culture is the human body in homeostasis, and or the biosphere in its seasoned harmony.
First, we must create a world where everyone, in this capacity, is wise. Second, citizenship should be a choice, and one should have to be a contributing member to be a citizen. A universal basic income (of food, clothing shelter, transportation, information, and medical care) for every citizen will ensure that people will want to be citizens. However, to have the privilege of serving, and having luxury goods, one must put their name into a pot. People are lottoed into office. Then, once in office, are deprived of the right to privacy, and have their lives recorded for the duration of their term in office. Terms last four months.
Instead of money, professions and individuals in that profession will be graded relative to one another on a local level based on supply and demand. The grade of a product will correspond to a citizens grade, determining if that good or service can be purchased, and in what amount. A cap to how much one can purchase will be made once the people agree collectively to what that amount should be. These grades will apply globally as a universal currency.
Once such a currency is applied, the need for taxation, banks, and money will disappear like a fart in the wind. Further, because this kind of information cannot be manipulated through speculation, inflation, or any other deceit, economic stability can be assured just as easily as human activity can be observed.
Imagine also that we took education seriously. What would that even look like? We seem to take education seriously, but actually we take our economy seriously, and education is used as a mere tool or extension of that system, preparing our young for the world of work. This is nothing more than indoctrination.
What if we took education seriously, would it act as a baby sitting service for the drones of a lost civilization? Certainly not. If we took education seriously, the community and the culture would be one big class, as in course of education, and everyone would be a teacher. Education would begin at conception, in the womb, and end with death. With this in mind a new form of education paradigm must emerge, picking the most effective methods of the past, refining them, and setting up our society for applying those techniques implicitly.
By centering our culture around the education system, placing education at the top of the totem pole, instead of economy, we may be able to organize our society to be compatible with the human organism: body, mind, and spirit. Grounding their resources in the roots of education, and their economy in the fruits of education, a school system becomes a center for local production and consumption, full circle, replacing the mall and all it stands for; those employed by the education system are rewarded like doctors and athletes of today, thus increasing the incentive to be apart of the system.
What we are advocating will not be easy; it requires a paradigm shift, but radical problems call for radical solutions, and this is it. Our education paradigm is one of three intrinsic flaws in our burgeoning civilization. Technologically we are far more advanced than our psychology, and for this reason, the next revolution must be one of consciousness, and of blowing apart the box, thinking fractally rather than linearly.
We live in a complex world, full of chaos; and when we embrace that chaos, rather than try to deny it, and force it into a box, we embrace the innate reality, and our intrinsic beauty.
Further, chaos theory tells us that by benefiting one, we potentially benefit everyone as that interaction echoes out into infinity. In other words, small changes in the big system add up to big changes in the long term. For instance rather than buying into a number-based, linear economy, with hourly wages and fixed income, imagine working four hours a day, three to four days a week, working every other day instead of five in a row, with two days off. Then imagine that every four months you could change your profession, and that at any time you could add to your total benefit to society, and that that would be how you are graded in society, which in turn determines how much you can spend and what quality of goods you can buy.
The author is proposing a reciprocal economy, where my benefit to society is reciprocated with a universal basic income, and my benefit to individuals in society is reciprocated with access to better, and more things that will make my life more comfortable, exciting, and worth while. Were we to change our opinions about what matters, and what makes us motivated, a small thing compared to changing our infrastructure and our systems of government, a massive change would occur, and with little to no physical differences in our world, we will have changed the entire world as we know it.
And while some will complain that there should be equal access to the most and best for all, this one would counter that argument with the facts of reality: people are not conditioned for that type of freedom yet, and would not be immediately capable of handling that kind of responsibility. After all, access to the most and best is a lot of power, and giving such power to a child can be dangerous. Allowing humanity to grow in emergent steps, rather than trying to completely alter their psychology, makes much more sense.
Emergence, complexity, feedback, fractals, these are the powers of nature and creation. We humans are now poised at a cultural revolution, we are no longer like single cells, acting independently. We are emerging as a bigger, meta-organism: humanity. Through creativity and connectivity, we can change the world.
Agape, Acceptance, Appreciation
~One Self
Sunday, November 30, 2014
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